Carbon neutral company

In response to the growing awareness and demand for sustainable fashion, more companies are exploring eco-conscious options. There’s a new emphasis on sustainability, less waste and developing carbon neutral strategies.
It’s one thing to market clothing lines made from sustainable or organic materials; it’s another to transform an entire organization for carbon neutral certification. Let’s look at some ways companies manage this change and identify clothing companies that embrace carbon neutral practices.
Carbon neutral company


Carbon neutral or carbon neutrality are terms that refer to equalizing the amount of carbon dioxide gases into the environment. This is achieved by using carbon neutral fuels such as biodiesel or balancing the amount of carbon released with carbon neutral options.
Other terms related to carbon neutrality include reducing our carbon footprint or achieving net zero levels for carbon emissions.
For an individual, carbon neutrality can be achieved by alternating driving with biking or walking, for example. For a business, it’s the same idea on a larger scale. The goal is to reduce or balance the burning of fossil fuels released through transportation, manufacturing or other processes.


In 2002, the launch of the Carbon Neutral Protocol established guidelines on how businesses could reduce carbon emissions to a net zero status.
Organizations such as Natural Capital Partners provide strategies for companies to achieve certification. As the trend towards renewable and sustainable energy continues to grow and appeal to shareholders, more companies are moving in this direction.


clothing company that is certified with carbon neutral status has followed an established process to achieve this certification. Companies can choose to become entirely carbon neutral or focus on one product line. There are also options to buy carbon credits or use renewable energy sources.
Here’s a list of clothing companies that are carbon neutral or are working towards that goal.
  • Earth Positive — Their clothes are 100% organic and the company is climate neutral.
  • Soul Flower — Their office is green certified, and they are carbon neutral in shipping goods to customers.
  • Raven + Lily — Their cotton apparel is produced in the only carbon neutral factory in Africa.
  • Reformation — They are committed to recycling and use carbon offsets such as planting trees and investing in clean water solutions.
